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Stephen Wolfram on ChatGPT

A month ago, Stephen Wolfram put out a little booklet (140 pages) What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?.

It gives a gentle introduction to large language models and the architecture and training of neural networks.

The entire book is freely available:

The advantage of these online texts is that you can click on any of the images, copy their content into a Mathematica notebook, and play with the code.

This really gives a good idea of how an extremely simplified version of ChatGPT (based on GPT-2) works.

Downloading the model (within Mathematica) uses about 500Mb, but afterwards you can complete any prompt quickly, and see how the results change if you turn up the ‘temperature’.

You should’t expect too much from this model. Here’s what it came up with from the prompt “The major results obtained by non-commutative geometry include …” after 20 steps, at temperature 0.8:

NestList[StringJoin[#, model[#, {"RandomSample", "Temperature" -> 0.8}]] &,
"The major results obtained by non-commutative geometry include ", 20]

The major results obtained by non-commutative geometry include vernacular accuracy of math and arithmetic, a stable balance between simplicity and complexity and a relatively low level of violence.


In the more philosophical sections of the book, Wolfram speculates about the secret rules of language that ChatGPT must have found if we want to explain its apparent succes. One of these rules, he argues, must be the ‘logic’ of languages:

But is there a general way to tell if a sentence is meaningful? Thereā€™s no traditional overall theory for that. But itā€™s something that one can think of ChatGPT as having implicitly ā€œdeveloped a theory forā€ after being trained with billions of (presumably meaningful) sentences from the web, etc.

What might this theory be like? Well, thereā€™s one tiny corner thatā€™s basically been known for two millennia, and thatā€™s logic. And certainly in the syllogistic form in which Aristotle discovered it, logic is basically a way of saying that sentences that follow certain patterns are reasonable, while others are not.

Something else ChatGPT may have discovered are language’s ‘semantic laws of motion’, being able to complete sentences by following ‘geodesics’:

And, yes, this seems like a messā€”and doesnā€™t do anything to particularly encourage the idea that one can expect to identify ā€œmathematical-physics-likeā€ ā€œsemantic laws of motionā€ by empirically studying ā€œwhat ChatGPT is doing insideā€. But perhaps weā€™re just looking at the ā€œwrong variablesā€ (or wrong coordinate system) and if only we looked at the right one, weā€™d immediately see that ChatGPT is doing something ā€œmathematical-physics-simpleā€ like following geodesics. But as of now, weā€™re not ready to ā€œempirically decodeā€ from its ā€œinternal behaviorā€ what ChatGPT has ā€œdiscoveredā€ about how human language is ā€œput togetherā€.

So, the ‘hidden secret’ of successful large language models may very well be a combination of logic and geometry. Does this sound familiar?

If you prefer watching YouTube over reading a book, or if you want to see the examples in action, here’s a video by Stephen Wolfram. The stream starts about 10 minutes into the clip, and the whole lecture is pretty long, well over 3 hours (about as long as it takes to read What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?).

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an einStein

On March 20th, David Smith, Joseph Myers, Craig Kaplan and Chaim Goodman-Strauss announced on the arXiv that they’d found an ein-Stein (a stone), that is, one piece to tile the entire plane, in uncountably many different ways, all of them non-periodic (that is, the pattern does not even allow a translation symmetry).

This einStein, called the ‘hat’ (some prefer ‘t-shirt’), has a very simple form : you take the most symmetric of all plane tessellations, $\ast 632$ in Conway’s notation, and glue sixteen copies of its orbifold (or if you so prefer, eight ‘kites’) to form the gray region below:

(all images copied from the aperiodic monotile paper)

Surprisingly, you do not even need to impose gluing conditions (unlike in the two-piece aperiodic kite and dart Penrose tilings), but you’ll need flipped hats to fill up the gaps left.

A few years ago, I wrote some posts on Penrose tilings, including details on inflation and deflation, aperiodicity, uncountability, Conway worms, and more:

To prove that hats tile the plane, and do so aperiodically, the authors do not apply inflation and deflation directly on the hats, but rather on associated tilings by ‘meta-tiles’ (rough outlines of blocks of hats). To understand these meta-tiles it is best to look at a large patch of hats:

Here, the dark-blue hats are the ‘flipped’ ones, and the thickened outline around the central one gives the boundary of the ’empire’ of a flipped hat, that is, the collection of all forced tiles around it. So, around each flipped hat we find such an empire, possibly with different orientation. Also note that most of the white hats (there are also isolated white hats at the centers of triangles of dark-blue hats) make up ‘lines’ similar to the Conway worms in the case of the Penrose tilings. We can break up these ‘worms’ into ‘propeller-blades’ (gray) and ‘parallelograms’ (white). This gives us four types of blocks, the ‘meta-tiles’:

The empire of a flipped hat consists of an H-block (for Hexagon) made of one dark-blue (flipped) and three light-blue (ordinary) hats, one P-block (for Parallelogram), one F-block (for Fylfot, a propellor blade), and one T-block (for Triangle) for the remaining hat.

The H,T and P blocks have rotational symmetries, whereas the underlying block of hats does not. So we mark the intended orientation of the hats by an arrow, pointing to the side having two or three hat-pieces sticking out.

Any hat-tiling gives us a tiling with the meta-tile pieces H,T,P and F. Conversely, not every tiling by meta-tiles has an underlying hat-tiling, so we have to impose gluing conditions on the H,T,P and F-pieces. We can do this by using the boundary of the underlying hat-block, cutting away and adding hat-parts. Then, any H,T,P and F-tiling satisfying these gluing conditions will come from an underlying hat-tiling.

The idea is now to devise ‘inflation’- and ‘deflation’-rules for the H,T,P and F-pieces. For ‘inflation’ start from a tiling satisfying the gluing (and orientation) conditions, and look for the central points of the propellors (the thick red points in the middle picture).

These points will determine the shape of the larger H,T,P and F-pieces, together with their orientations. The authors provide an applet to see these inflations in action.

Choose your meta-tile (H,T,P or F), then click on ‘Build Supertiles’ a number of times to get larger and larger tilings, and finally unmark the ‘Draw Supertiles’ button to get a hat-tiling.

For ‘deflation’ we can cut up H,T,P and F-pieces into smaller ones as in the pictures below:

Clearly, the hard part is to verify that these ‘inflated’ and ‘deflated’ tilings still satisfy the gluing conditions, so that they will have an underlying hat-tiling with larger (resp. smaller) hats.

This calls for a lengthy case-by-case analysis which is the core-part of the paper and depends on computer-verification.

Once this is verified, aperiodicity follows as in the case of Penrose tilings. Suppose a tiling is preserved under translation by a vector $\vec{v}$. As ‘inflation’ and ‘deflation’ only depend on the direct vicinity of a tile, translation by $\vec{v}$ is also a symmetry of the inflated tiling. Now, iterate this process until the diameter of the large tiles becomes larger than the length of $\vec{v}$ to obtain a contradiction.

Siobhan Roberts wrote a fine article Elusive ā€˜Einsteinā€™ Solves a Longstanding Math Problem for the NY-times on this einStein.

It would be nice to try this strategy on other symmetric tilings: break the symmetry by gluing together a small number of its orbifolds in such a way that this extended tile (possibly with its reversed image) tile the plane, and find out whether you discovered a new einStein!

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The super-vault of missing notes

Last time we’ve constructed a wide variety of Jaccard-like distance functions $d(m,n)$ on the set of all notes in our vault $V = \{ k,l,m,n,\dots \}$. That is, $d(m,n) \geq 0$ and for each triple of notes we have a triangle inequality

$$d(k,l)+d(l,m) \geq d(k,m)$$

By construction we had $d(m,n)=d(n,m)$, but we can modify any of these distances by setting $d'(m,n)= \infty$ if there is no path of internal links from note $m$ to note $n$, and $d'(m,n)=d(m,n)$ otherwise. This new generalised distance is no longer symmetric, but still satisfies the triangle inequality, and turns $V$ into a Lawvere space.

$V$ becomes an enriched category over the monoidal category $[0,\infty]=\mathbb{R}_+ \cup \{ \infty \}$ (the poset-category for the reverse ordering ($a \rightarrow b$ iff $a \geq b$) with $+$ as ‘tensor product’ and $0$ as unit). The ‘enrichment’ is the map

$$V \times V \rightarrow [0,\infty] \qquad (m,n) \mapsto d(m,n)$$

Writers (just like children) have always loved colimits. They want to morph their notes into a compelling story. Sadly, such colimits do not always exist yet in our vault category. They are among too many notes still missing from it.

(Image credit)

For ordinary categories, the way forward is to ‘upgrade’ your category to the presheaf category. In it, ‘the child can cobble together crazy constructions to his heartā€™s content’. For our ‘enriched’ vault $V_d$ we should look at the (enriched) category of enriched presheaves $\widehat{V_d}$. In it, the writer will find inspiration on how to cobble together her texts.

An enriched presheaf is a map $p : V \rightarrow [0,\infty]$ such that for all notes $m,n \in V$ we have

$$d(m,n) + p(n) \geq p(m)$$

Think of $p(n)$ as the distance (or similarity) of the virtual note $p$ to the existing note $n$, then this condition is just an extension of the triangle inequality. The lower the value of $p(n)$ the closer $p$ resembles $n$.

Each note $n \in V$ determines its Yoneda presheaf $y_n : V \rightarrow [0,\infty]$ by $m \mapsto d(m,n)$. By the triangle inequality this is indeed an enriched presheaf in $\widehat{V_d}$.

The set of all enriched presheaves $\widehat{V_d}$ has a lot of extra structure. It is a poset

$$p \leq q \qquad \text{iff} \qquad \forall n \in V : p(n) \leq q(n)$$

with minimal element $0 : \forall n \in V, 0(n)=0$, and maximal element $1 : \forall n \in V, 1(n)=\infty$.

It is even a lattice with $p \vee q(n) = max(p(n),q(n))$ and $p \wedge q(n)=min(p(n),q(n))$. It is easy to check that $p \wedge q$ and $p \vee q$ are again enriched presheaves.

Here’s $\widehat{V_d}$ when the vault consists of just two notes $V=\{ m,n \}$ of non-zero distance to each other (whether symmetric or not) as a subset of $[0,\infty] \times [0,\infty]$.

This vault $\widehat{V_d}$ of all missing (and existing) notes is again enriched over $[0,\infty]$ via

$$\widehat{d} : \widehat{V_d} \times \widehat{V_d} \rightarrow [0,\infty] \qquad \widehat{d}(p,q) = max(0,\underset{n \in V}{sup} (q(n)-p(n)))$$

The triangle inequality follows because the definition of $\widehat{d}(p,q)$ is equivalent to $\forall m \in V : \widehat{d}(p,q)+p(m) \geq q(m)$. Even if we start from a symmetric distance function $d$ on $V$, it is clear that this extended distance $\widehat{d}$ on $\widehat{V_d}$ is far from symmetric. The Yoneda map

$$y : V_d \rightarrow \widehat{V_d} \qquad n \mapsto y_n$$

is an isometry and the enriched version of the Yoneda lemma says that for all $p \in \widehat{V_d}$

$$p(n) = \widehat{d}(y_n,p)$$

Indeed, taking $m=n$ in $\widehat{d}(y_n,f)+y_n(m) \geq p(m)$ gives $\widehat{d}(y_n,p) \geq p(n)$. Conversely,
from the presheaf condition $d(m,n)+p(n) \geq p(m)$ for all $m,n$ follows

$$p(n) \geq max(0,\underset{m \in V}{sup}(p(m)-d(m,n)) = \widehat{d}(y_n,p)$$

In his paper Taking categories seriously, Bill Lawvere suggested to consider enriched presheaves $p \in \widehat{V_d}$ as ‘refined’ closed set of the vault-space $V_d$.

For every subset of notes $X \subset V$ we can consider the presheaf (use triangle inequality)

$$p_X : V \rightarrow [0,\infty] \qquad m \mapsto \underset{n \in X}{inf}~d(m,n)$$

then its zero set $Z(p_X) = \{ m \in V~:~p_X(m)=0 \}$ can be thought of as the closure of $X$, and the collection of all such closed subsets define a topology on $V$.

In our simple example of the two note vault $V=\{ m,n \}$ this is just the discrete topology, but we can get more interesting spaces. If $d(n,m)=0$ but $d(m,n) > 0$

we get the Sierpinski space: $n$ is the only closed point, and lies in the closure of $m$. Of course, if your vault contains thousands of notes, you might get more interesting topologies.

In the special case when $V_d$ is a poset-category, as was the case in the shape of languages post, this topology is the down-set (or up-set) topology.

Now, what is this topology when you start with the Lawvere-space $\widehat{V_d}$? From the definitions we see that

$$\widehat{d}(p,q) = 0 \quad \text{iff} \quad \forall n \in V~:~p(n) \geq q(n) \quad \text{iff} \quad p \geq q$$

So, all presheaves in the up-set $\uparrow_p$ lie in the closure of $p$, and $p$ lies in the closure of all everything in the down-set $\downarrow_p$ of $p$. So, this time the topology has as its closed sets all down-sets of the poset $\widehat{V_d}$.

What’s missing is a good definition for the implication $p \Rightarrow q$ between two enriched presheaves $p,q \in \widehat{V_d}$. In An enriched category theory of language: from syntax to semantics it is said that this should be, perhaps only to be used in their special poset situation (with adapted notations)

$$p \Rightarrow q : V \rightarrow [0,\infty] \qquad \text{where} \quad (p \Rightarrow q)(n) = \widehat{d}(y_n \wedge p,q)$$

but I can’t even show that this is a presheaf. I may be horribly wrong, but in their proof of this (lemma 5) they seem to use their lemma 4, but with the two factors swapped.

If you have suggestions, please let me know. And if you trow Kelly’s Basic concepts of enriched category theory at me, please add some guidelines on how to use it. I’m just a passer-by.

Probably, I should also read up on Isbell duality, as suggested by Lawvere in his paper Taking categories seriously, and worked out by Simon Willerton in Tight spans, Isbell completions and semi-tropical modules


Previously in this series:


The tropical brain forest

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