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Tag: noncommutative

upgrade to wp 2.0

activity on this site this week (apart from changing the theme) was done
behind the scenes. Finally, _neverendingbooks_ is upgraded to WordPress 2.0.
It is a straightforward well-explained procedure but somehow I decided
to try this out in between a WorkShop and a
Ph.D. defense. As a consequence I had to reclone twice…
Some of the Plugins‘ functionality
didn’t survive the upgrade. In particular, the anti-spam plugin BotCheck doesn’t work any longer (one could fill out any code and
still get a reply posted) as I found out sunday-morning when I was
greeted with about 20 spam-replies… Fortunately, WP 2.0 comes
bundled with its own anti-spam plugin Akismet but one needs a API key which
meens signing up to a WordPress-account (free). When Akismet is
activated, it really bans all spam (it even shows how many spam-messages
it found, 30 over two days…), the only problem being that it seems
to de-activate itself at random… The new theme is called Kiwi which is a lot more
compact than the default neverending(sic) page. But there is a (heavy
some will say) price to pay : only summaries of posts are on the
front-page and the font is (too some will say) small. Still, Kiwi has
some nice extra features : the Featured Post Plugin which
allows to re-cycle changing selected old posts to the right of the
banner. Another changing part is the _Elsewhere_ list (second row
to the right) where one can display any feed. At the moment (but I may
change this as the site
seems to be having some problems) all _del.icio.us_ links tagged
noncommutative are shown (if the site is up…). It
appears that apart from Graham
nobody has a account or doesn’t use the
noncommutative tag. So, if you want to change this site a bit every day,
you know what to do. Speaking of tags, several new
_categories_ were created so that posts now get multiples tags,
describing better their (intended) content. Something I learned by
tagging papers at citeUlike. Btw.
you are still invited to join the
NoncommutativeGeometry Group
over there… Clearly, re-tagging
every individual post was a painstaking experience. A WordPress 2.0
feature I like is the ability to write _pages_ (as opposed to
Posts) which are kept alive in the sidebar and therefore resemble
‘stickies’ (in WP parlace ‘they live outside of the usual
timeline’). At the moment there is just one test-page NAGworldMAP
on which you can see that geocoding was added to
this site via the Geo
(allowing to add geographic data to posts) and the instant google world map Plugin plotting these data on a Google Map. At the moment you can see
the distance I have to cycle to get to the university, but I have plans
to do something more substantial with this feature soon, so please
familiarize yourself with dragging and zooming the map (for US-citizens,
European countries often do not put geographic data in the public
domain, so there is a limit to the zoom-factor and I use the
‘satellite’-view rather than any of the other two).

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to Andrei Sobolevskii for his comment
pointing me to a wonderful initiative : CiteULike.

What is CiteULike?
CiteULike is a
free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the
academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that
interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your
personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details,
so there’s no need to type them in yourself. It all works from
within your web browser. There’s no need to install any special
Because your library is stored on the server, you
can access it from any computer. You can share you library with others,
and find out who is reading the same papers as you. In turn, this can
help you discover literature which is relevant to your field but you may
not have known about.
When it comes to writing up your
results in a paper, you can export your library to either BibTeX or
Endnote to build it in to your bibliography. CiteULike has a flexible
filing system, so you actually stand a chance of being able to find that
article that you stored a few months ago when you need

If all this seems too abstract, here is an excellent practical
(also suggested by Andrei). This text focusses on
articles from AnthroSource but if you’re a mathematician, do the
same things when you are at the abstract page of a paper on the arXiv or a paper description from MathSciNet. The really nice
thing is that you virtually have to do no typing at all (apart from the
tags you want to add to classify the paper where you want it or, if you
want, to add a note about the paper). Another exciting feature
is that you can upload your personal copy of the paper. A typical
situation : most of us can get the PDF-file of a published paper at work
(because the university has a contract with the publisher) but not at
home, on the road or on vacation. So, while at work, download the PDF,
upload it as your personal copy to citeUlike and you can read that paper
wherever you have internet access! But there is more : you can
export the BibTeX-data of your whole library and use it in your next
paper, every library has its separate RSS-feed so you can feed it to a
news-aggregator (or to bloglines) to find out whether someone with
similar interests added a new paper to his/her library, you can create
Groups that is collections of Libraries of people interested in the same
topic, so that others can help you finding stuff of value (and again,
such Group-libraries have there own RSS-feed so….), all libraries
have all tags used by the Library-owner in a graphical format, the
larger the tag-text the more it is used in the Library, so just by
looking at the right-sidebar you get a good idea what the person’s
interests are, etc. etc. etc. I’m just two days into
citeUlike and there will be tons of features I still have to discover
and I’ll report on this later. At the moment I just added a few
papers to my Library but I will extend this drasticly in the weeks
ahead. If you want to check on my progress here is lieven’s Library
or the citeIlike link in the header of this blog (between the
‘about me’ and the ’search’ link) and I hope
that many of you will add similar buttons on your homepages.
Finally, if you are interested in Noncommutative algebraic and/or
differential geometry, I’ve set up a Group-Library
. At the moment it’s just identical to
my own Library, but please register to citeUlike, set up your own
Library and if you’re into NOG join this group!

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Alain Connes on everything

A few
days ago, Ars Mathematica wrote :

Alain Connes and Mathilde Marcolli have posted a
new survey paper on Arxiv A walk in the
noncommutative garden
. There are many contenders for the title of
noncommutative geometry, but Connes’ flavor is the most

Be that as it may, do
not print this 106 page long paper! Browse through it
if you have to, be dazzled by it if you are so inclined, but I doubt it
is the eye-opener you were looking for if you gave up on reading
Connes’ book Noncommutative
…. Besides, there is much better
_Tehran-material_ on Connes to be found on the web : An interview
with Alain Connes
, still 45 pages long but by all means : print it
out, read it in full and enjoy! Perhaps it may contain a lesson or two
for you. To wet your appetite a few quotes

It is
important that different approaches be developed and that one
doesn’t try to merge them too fast. For instance in noncommutative
geometry my approach is not the only one, there are other approaches
and it’s quite important that for these approaches there is no
social pressure to be the same so that they can develop
independently. It’s too early to judge the situation for instance
in quantum gravity. The only thing I resent in string theory is that
they put in the mind of people that it is the only theory that can
give the answer or they are very close to the answer. That I resent.
For people who have enough background it is fine since they know all
the problems that block the road like the cosmological constant, the
supersymmetry breaking, etc etc…but if you take people who are
beginners in physics programs and brainwash them from the very start
it is really not fair. Young physicists should be completely free,
but it is very hard with the actual system.

And here for some (moderate) Michael Douglas bashing :

Physicists tend to shift often and work on the
last fad. I cannot complain because at some point around 98 that fad was
NCG after my paper with Douglas and Schwarz. But after a while when
I saw Michael Douglas and asked him if he had thought more about
these problems the answer was no because it was no longer the last
fad and he wanted to work on something else. In mathematics one
sometimes works for several years on a problem but these young
physicists have a very different type of working habit. The unit of
time in mathematics is about 10 years. A paper in mathematics which is
10 years old is still a recent paper. In physics it is 3 months. So
I find it very difficult to cope with constant

To the suggestion that he is the
prophet (remember, it is a Tehran-interview) of noncommutative geometry
he replies

It is flattering but I don’t think
it is a good thing. In fact we are all human beings and it is a
wrong idea to put a blind trust in a single person and believe in
that person whatever happens. To give you an example I can tell you
a story that happened to me. I went to Chicago in 1996, and gave a
talk in the physics department. A well known physicist was there and
he left the room before the talk was over. I didn’t meet this
physicist for two years and then, two years later, I gave the same
talk in the Dirac Forum in Rutherford laboratory near Oxford. This
time the same physicist was attending, looking very open and convinced
and when he gave his talk later he mentioned my talk quite
positively. This was quite amazing because it was the same talk and
I had not forgotten his previous reaction. So on the way back to
Oxford, I was sitting next to him in the bus, and asked him openly
how can it be that you attended the same talk in Chicago and you
left before the end and now you really liked it. The guy was not a
beginner and was in his forties, his answer was “Witten was seen
reading your book in the library in Princeton”! So I don’t want
to play that role of a prophet preventing people from thinking on
their own and ruling the sub ject, ranking people and all that. I
care a lot for ideas and about NCG because I love it as a branch of
mathematics but I don’t want my name to be associated with it as a

and as if that was not convincing
enough, he continues

Well, the point is that what
matters are the ideas and they belong to nobody. To declare that
some persons are on top of the ladder and can judge and rank the
others is just nonsense mostly produced by the sociology (in fact by the
system of recommendation letters). I don’t want that to be true in
NCG. I want freedom, I welcome heretics.

But please, read it all for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

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