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Tag: non-commutative


A long
time ago Don Passman
told me the simple “secret” for writing books : “Get up and,
before you do anything else, try to write 2 or 3 pages. If you do this
every day, by the end of the year you’ll have a pretty thick book.”

Probably the best advice ever for those who need to get a thesis or book
finished. I’ve managed to live by this rule for several months in a
row (the first half of 2000 leading to version 2 and the winter of 2001-2002
resulting in version 3) and I can recommend it to
anyone in need for some (self)dicipline. It feels just like training,
hard in the beginning but after a couple of weeks you’re addicted.
Also the pitfalls are similar. On certain days you have so much energy
that it is easy to write 10 or more pages (or in the revision process,
to revise 30 or more pages). Don’t do it! Tomorrow you will be
exhausted and you will not be able to do a single page but you will
convince yourself that it is not needed as you did more than enough the
day before. And you’ll feel and say the same thing the day after, and
the next day! and before you realize it you’ll be way behind
schedule. So, rule 1 : do 2 pages mimimun, 3 or 4 if possible but never
more than 5!

Another useful bit of advice comes from
Lewis Caroll’s ‘Through the looking glass’
in which the Red
King says

Start at the beginning, then continue until
you reach the end. Then stop.

Too many bookprojects
never get past the planning stages. It is much more fun to dream up the
perfect book than it is to write the first paragraph. Also, when the
writing on chapter X goes slow, it is tempting to begin with chapter X+1
or any other chapter that seems like more fun, and before you know
you’ll end up with a complete mess (and believe me, I know what I’m
talking about here).

Armed with these two guiding rules I began
the new year writing version pi of my book. (Oh, a marginal note : some
people seem to think that I set up ‘NeverEndingBooks’ to get my
book published. It may surely be the case that I’ll get _a_
book published there, but _the_ book I promised already a long
time ago to the EMS-publishing
! So, if you have an interesting bookproject for
‘NeverEndingBooks’ please contact us.) Anyway, the writing goes
slow! I’m already far behind schedule. So far I produced just over 20
pages! Part of the problem is that I want the book to be self-contained
and from past experiences with our ‘masterclass non-commutative
geometry’ I know that this means including a lot of elementary
material (it seems that sudents are eager on entering a masterclass on
non-commutative geometry without knowing the basics of either
non-commutative algebra or algebraic geometry). So. I started out with
believe it or not the definition of matrix-multiplication! But the book
has a pretty steap learning curve, by page 3 I’m already using
Grassmannians to classify left ideals in matrix-algebras! But I was
surprised how long it took me to come up with my own proofs of all this
‘trivial’ material. But the main problem is : lack of motivation.
I’m no longer convinced that one has to write technical books to aid
the younger generation. They are already far too technical!Perhaps it
would be far better to write books helping to develop creativity? But
how? And why are there so few of such books around. In fact, I know of
only one book trying to achieve this : An Invitation to General
Algebra and Universal Constructions
By George Bergman. His chapter 0
‘about the course and these notes’ comes very close to how I would
like to teach masterclass courses or how I’d love to write books if
only I’d know how. Perhaps, over the next couple of weeks, I’ll use
this weblog again to write up a micro-course on noncommutative geometry,
some people tell me they begin to miss the mathematics on this

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A for aggregates

Let us
begin with a simple enough question : what are the points of a
non-commutative variety? Anyone? Probably you\’d say something like :
standard algebra-geometry yoga tells us that we should associate to a
non-commutative algebra $A$ on object, say $X_A$ and an arbitrary
variety is then build from \’gluing\’ such things together. Ok, but what
is $X_A$? Commutative tradition whispers $X_A=\mathbf{spec}~A$ the
[prime spectrum][1] of $A$, that is, the set of all twosided prime
ideals $P$ (that is, if $aAb \subset P$ then either $a \in P$ or $b \in
P$) and \’points\’ of $\mathbf{spec}~A$ would then correspond to
_maximal_ twosided ideals. The good news is that in this set-up, the
point-set comes equipped with a natural topology, the [Zariski
topology][2]. The bad news is that the prime spectrum is rarely
functorial in the noncommutative world. That is, if $\phi~:~A
\rightarrow B$ is an algebra morphism then $\phi^{-1}(P)$ for $P \in
\mathbf{spec}~B$ is not always a prime ideal of $A$. For example, take
$\phi$ the inclusion map $\begin{bmatrix} C[x] & C[x] \\ (x) & C[x]
\end{bmatrix} \subset \begin{bmatrix} C[x] & C[x] \\ C[x] & C[x]
\end{bmatrix}$ and $P$ the prime ideal $\begin{bmatrix} (x) & (x) \\ (x)
& (x) \end{bmatrix}$ then $P Cap \begin{bmatrix} C[x] & C[x] \\ (x) &
C[x] \end{bmatrix} = P$ but the corresponding quotient is
$\begin{bmatrix} C & C \\ 0 & C \end{bmatrix}$ which is not a prime
algebra so $\phi^{-1}(P)$ is not a prime ideal of the smaller algebra.
Failing this, let us take for $X_A$ something which obviously is
functorial and worry about topologies later. Take $X_A = \mathbf{rep}~A$
the set of all finite dimensional representations of $A$, that is
$\mathbf{rep}~A = \bigsqcup_n \mathbf{rep}_n~A$ where $\mathbf{rep}_n~A
= \{ Chi~:~A \rightarrow M_n(C)~\}$ with $Chi$ an algebra morphism. Now,
for any algebra morphism $\phi~:~A \rightarrow B$ there is an obvious
map $\mathbf{rep}~B \rightarrow \mathbf{rep}~A$ sending $Chi \mapsto Chi
Circ \phi$. Alernatively, $\mathbf{rep}_n~A$ is the set of all
$n$-dimensional left $A$-modules $M_{Chi} = C^n_{Chi}$ with $a.m =
Chi(m)m$. As such, $\mathbf{rep}~A$ is not merely a set but a
$C$-_category_, that is, all objects are $C$-vectorspaces and all
morphisms $Hom(M,N)$ are $C$-vectorspaces (the left $A$-module
morphisms). Moreover, it is an _additive_ category, that is if
$Chi,\psi$ are representations then we also have a direct sum
representation $Chi \oplus \psi$ defined by $a \mapsto \begin{bmatrix}
Chi(a) & 0 \\ 0 & \psi(a) \end{bmatrix}$. Returning at the task at
hand let us declare a _non-commutative variety_ $X$ to be (1) _an
additive_ $C$-_category_ which \’locally\’ looks like $\mathbf{rep}~A$
for some non-commutative algebra $A$ (even if we do not know at the
momemt what we mean by locally as we do not have defined a topology,
yet). Let is call objects of teh category $X$ the \’points\’ of our
variety and $X$ being additive allows us to speak of _indecomposable_
points (that is, those objects that cannot be written as a direct sum of
non-zero objects). By the local description of $X$ an indecomposable
point corresponds to an indecomposable representation of a
non-commutative algebra and as such has a local endomorphism algebra
(that is, all non-invertible endomorphisms form a twosided ideal). But
if we have this property for all indecomposable points,our category $X$
will be a Krull-Schmidt category so it is natural to impose also the
condition (2) : every point of $X$ can be decomposed uniquely into a
finite direct sum of indecomposable points. Further, as the space of
left $A$-module morphisms between two finite dimensional modules is
clearly finite dimensional we have also the following strong finiteness
condition (3) : For all points $x,y \in X$ the space of morphisms
$Hom(x,y)$ is a finite dimensional $C$-vectorspace. In their book
[Representations of finite-dimensional algebras][3], Peter Gabriel and
Andrei V. Roiter call an additive category such that all endomorphism
algebras of indecomposable objects are local algebras and such that all
morphism spaces are finite dimensional an _aggregate_. So, we have a
first tentative answer to our question **the points of a
non-commutative variety are the objects of an aggregate** Clearly, as
$\mathbf{rep}~A$ has stronger properties like being an _Abelian
category_ (that is, morphisms allow kernels and cokernels) it might also
be natural to replace \’aggregate\’ by \’Abelian Krull-Schmidt category
with finite dimensional homs\’ but if Mr. Abelian Category himself finds
the generalization to aggregates useful I\’m not going to argue about
this. Are all aggregates of the form $\mathbf{rep}~A$ or are there
other interesting examples? A motivating commutative example is : the
category of all coherent modules $Coh(Y)$ on a _projective_ variety $Y$
form an aggegate giving us a mental picture of what we might expect of a
non-commutative variety. Clearly, the above tentative answer cannot be
the full story as we haven\’t included the topological condition of
being locally of the form $\mathbf{rep}~A$ yet, but we will do that in
the next episode _B for Bricks_. [1]: [2]: [3]:


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TheLibrary (version 2)

Just in time for 2005 : a pretty good approx of what I had in mind
with TheLibrary.
The major new feature is one-page view. That
is, if you click on a bookmark or search-page link you will get a page
(as in the screenshot below) consisting of three frames. The left-bottom
frame contains the pdf file of _just_ the requested page, hence
your brwoser no longer has to download the full pdf-file to get at the
wanted page which speeds up the process. The downside is that you can no
longer scroll in neighbouring pages. To compensate for this there are
_previous page_ and _next page_ buttons in the top frame
as well as a link to the index and search page of the document.
An added bonus of this set-up is that the author of a document can
control what readers can do with these pdf-pages. For example, the pages
of 3 talks on noncommutative geometry@n
admit all features (such as content-copy, merging pages, printing etc.)
whence a determined reader can reconstruct the full pdf-document if
he/she so desires. On the other hand, the pages of version 2 can only be printed at a low
resolution and those of version 3 do not even permit this.

The bottom-right frame of the pages allow the reader
to read (and post) marginal notes wrt. the content of the document-text
(such as : extra references, errors, suggestions etc.). As always,
comments are great; obnoxious comments get deleted. Deal!
again, if you like your courses and or books (on a subject from either
non-commutative geometry or non-commutative algebra) to be included in
TheLibrary email.
All scripts are adapted from the original
scripts from pdf

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