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Tag: non-commutative

There is a nice, cosy 2nd hand book shop Never Ending
located at 308 Hibiscus Highway, Orewa Beach (New Zealand).
Further, someone registered the domain-name and
isn't doing a thing with it at this moment. And that's about it!

As this site will be a strictly non-profit set-up, it made sense
to register the domain-name lievenlb.local
instead. Partly because many of you seem to find lievenlb.local way too
difficult to remember (judging from the number of times people end up
here Googling _lieven le bruyn_). Unfortunately, registering the
domain-name is the only of three urgent goals I set myself that actually
panned out so far (the other two, _getting a prefix_ and
_partnering up_, won't mean much to you and I'll explain
them later when (if) they work out).
Over the next couple of
weeks it will become gradually clear what this site is all about.
I've worked out things (in theory) over several sleepless nights,
but making them happen will require a lot of extra work.
Oh, you
don't believe I did think some things through? Have a look at the
new header-picture. Recognize those eyes? If you do, you will agree that
this choice was almost forced upon me as I wanted to capture at the same
time the _non-commutative-algebra_, the _non-commutative
geometry_ as well as the _neverending_ aspect of this

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padlock returns

A couple of months ago I spend some time modifying the WordPress ViewLevel
slightly to include in this blog. At the time, the idea was
to restrict the readership of certain posts (such as info meant for
master-class students etc.). In the sidebar these posts are prepended by
a padlock sign (together with the appropriate view-level). In the main
window these posts do _not_ show up unless you are logged in and
have the fitting view-level.
I hope that this tool may also prove
useful to combat spam-comments. Ideally, a weblog should be configured
to accept any comments but if you have to remove a 100 or more link-spam
'comments' each morning to keep your blog poker-free you have to
play defensive. Unfortunately, WordPress is not very good at it. Sure,
one can opt to put all comments on hold, awaiting moderation but (1)
this is unpleasant for genuine comments and (2) one still has to remove
all spam-comments manually from the moderation-queue. In the end, I had
to close all posts for comments to be spared from poker-online and
texas-online rubbish.
However, I appreciate comments and
suggestions especially at a time when this weblog is changing. So, if
you are working in either non-commutative algebra or non-commutative
geometry and want to give your suggestions, please get yourself a login.
I know, I know, it is a hassle with all those nonsense passwords but if
you are accessing this weblog from just one computer you only have to
remember it once (I forgot my own password but can still post
here…). I will then raise your ViewLevel from the default 0 value
to at least 1 so that you can read and comment the padlocked posts. If
you then want to make a comment on other posts, please use a nearby
padlocked post.
Today, I ask for suggestions for a good LaTeX
book-style. At the moment my favourite is the CTAN
but surely there are better packages out there!

again : this idea came to nothing!

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a cosmic Galois group

there hidden relations between mathematical and physical constants such

$\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 h c} \sim \frac{1}{137} $

or are these numerical relations mere accidents? A couple of years
ago, Pierre Cartier proposed in his paper A mad day’s work : from Grothendieck to Connes and
Kontsevich : the evolution of concepts of space and symmetry
there are many reasons to believe in a cosmic Galois group acting on the
fundamental constants of physical theories and responsible for relations
such as the one above.

The Euler-Zagier numbers are infinite
sums over $n_1 > n_2 > ! > n_r \geq 1 $ of the form

$\zeta(k_1,\dots,k_r) = \sum n_1^{-k_1} \dots n_r^{-k_r} $

and there are polynomial relations with rational coefficients between
these such as the product relation

$\zeta(a)\zeta(b)=\zeta(a+b)+\zeta(a,b)+\zeta(b,a) $

It is
conjectured that all polynomial relations among Euler-Zagier numbers are
consequences of these product relations and similar explicitly known
formulas. A consequence of this conjecture would be that
$\zeta(3),\zeta(5),\dots $ are all trancendental!

introduced the Grothendieck-Teichmuller group-scheme over $\mathbb{Q} $
whose Lie algebra $\mathfrak{grt}_1 $ is conjectured to be the free Lie
algebra on infinitely many generators which correspond in a natural way
to the numbers $\zeta(3),\zeta(5),\dots $. The Grothendieck-Teichmuller
group itself plays the role of the Galois group for the Euler-Zagier
numbers as it is conjectured to act by automorphisms on the graded
$\mathbb{Q} $-algebra whose degree $d $-term are the linear combinations
of the numbers $\zeta(k_1,\dots,k_r) $ with rational coefficients and
such that $k_1+\dots+k_r=d $.

The Grothendieck-Teichmuller
group also appears mysteriously in non-commutative geometry. For
example, the set of all Kontsevich deformation quantizations has a
symmetry group which Kontsevich conjectures to be isomorphic to the
Grothendieck-Teichmuller group. See section 4 of his paper Operads and motives in
deformation quantzation
for more details.

It also appears
in the renormalization results of Alain Connes and Dirk Kreimer. A very
readable introduction to this is given by Alain Connes himself in Symmetries Galoisiennes
et renormalisation
. Perhaps the latest news on Cartier’s dream of a
cosmic Galois group is the paper by Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli posted
last month on the arXiv : Renormalization and
motivic Galois theory
. A good web-page on all of this, including
references, can be found here.

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