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Tag: necklace

necklaces (again)

I have
been posting before on the necklace Lie algebra : on Travis
Schedler's extension of the Lie algebra structure to a Lie bialgebra
and its deformation and more recently
in connection with Michel Van den Bergh's double Poisson paper.
Yesterday, Victor Ginzburg and Travis Schedler posted their paper Moyal quantization of
necklace Lie algebras
on the arXiv in which they give a Moyal-type
construction of the Hopf algebra deformation of the necklace Lie
bialgebra found by Schedler last year.
It would be nice if
someone worked out a few examples of these constructions in full detail.
But as often in the case of (wild) quiver situation it is not clear what
an 'interesting' example might be. For the finite and tame case
we have a full classification by (extended) Dynkin diagrams so a natural
class of examples but it isn't clear how to find gems in the
One natural source of double quiver situations seems
to come from what I called the One Quiver of a
formally smooth algebra. This one quiver of group algebras of some
interesting arithemetical groups such as the modular group
$PSL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $ and $SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $ were calculated before and
turned out to be consisting of one (resp. two) components which are the
double of the tame quiver $\tilde{A}_5 $.
To obtain the double of
a wild quiver situation loook at the group $GL_2(\mathbb{Z}) = D_4
\bigstar_{D_2} D_6 $. In a previous post
I thought to have calculated it, but lately I found that this was
incorrect. Even the version I computed last week still had some mistakes
as Raf
discovered. But as of yesterday we are pretty certain that
the one quiver for $GL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $ consists of two components. One of
these is the double quiver of an interesting wild quiver

$\xymatrix{& \vtx{} \ar@{=}[rr] \ar@{=}[dd] & & \vtx{} \ar@{=}[dd]
\\ \vtx{} \ar@{=}[ur] \ar@{=}[rr] \ar@{=}[dd] & & \vtx{} \ar@{.}[ur]
\ar@{.}[dd] \ar@{=}[dr] \\ & \vtx{} \ar@{.}[rr] \ar@{=}[dr] & & \vtx{}
\\ \vtx{} \ar@{=}[rr] \ar@{.}[ur] & & \vtx{} \ar@{=}[ur]} $

where each double line indicates that there is an arrow in each
direction between the vertices. So, it is an interwoven pattern of one
big cycle of length 6 (reminiscent of the modular group case) with 4
cycles of length 5. Perhaps the associated necklace Lie (bi)algebra and
its deformation might be interesting to work out.
However, the
second component of the one quiver for $GL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $ is _not_
symmetric.Maybe I will come back to the calculation of these quivers

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double Poisson algebras

This morning,
Michel Van den Bergh
posted an interesting paper on the arXiv
entitled Double
Poisson Algebras
. His main motivation was the construction of a
natural Poisson structure on quotient varieties of representations of
deformed multiplicative preprojective algebras (introduced by
Crawley-Boevey and Shaw in Multiplicative
preprojective algebras, middle convolution and the Deligne-Simpson
) which he achieves by extending his double Poisson structure
on the path algebra of the quiver to the 'obvious' universal
localization, that is the one by inverting all $1+aa^{\star} $ for $a $ an
arrow and $a^{\star} $ its double (the one in the other direction).
For me the more interesting fact of this paper is that his double
bracket on the path algebra of a double quiver gives finer information
than the _necklace Lie algebra_ as defined in my (old) paper with Raf
Bocklandt Necklace
Lie algebras and noncommutative symplectic geometry
. I will
certainly come back to this later when I have more energy but just to
wet your appetite let me point out that Michel calls a _double bracket_
on an algebra $A $ a bilinear map
$\{ \{ -,- \} \}~:~A \times A
\rightarrow A \otimes A $
which is a derivation in the _second_
argument (for the outer bimodulke structure on $A $) and satisfies
$\{ \{ a,b \} \} = – \{ \{ b,a \} \}^o $ with $~(u \otimes v)^0 = v
\otimes u $
Given such a double bracket one can define an ordinary
bracket (using standard Hopf-algebra notation)
$\{ a,b \} = \sum
\{ \{ a,b \} \}_{(1)} \{ \{ a,b \} \}_{(2)} $
which makes $A $ into
a Loday
and induces a Lie algebra structure on $A/[A,A] $. He then
goes on to define such a double bracket on the path algebra of a double
quiver in such a way that the associated Lie structure above is the
necklace Lie algebra.

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cotangent bundles

previous post in this sequence was [moduli spaces][1]. Why did we spend
time explaining the connection of the quiver
$Q~:~\xymatrix{\vtx{} \ar[rr]^a & & \vtx{} \ar@(ur,dr)^x} $
to moduli spaces of vectorbundles on curves and moduli spaces of linear
control systems? At the start I said we would concentrate on its _double
quiver_ $\tilde{Q}~:~\xymatrix{\vtx{} \ar@/^/[rr]^a && \vtx{}
\ar@(u,ur)^x \ar@(d,dr)_{x^*} \ar@/^/[ll]^{a^*}} $ Clearly,
this already gives away the answer : if the path algebra $C Q$
determines a (non-commutative) manifold $M$, then the path algebra $C
\tilde{Q}$ determines the cotangent bundle of $M$. Recall that for a
commutative manifold $M$, the cotangent bundle is the vectorbundle
having at the point $p \in M$ as fiber the linear dual $(T_p M)^*$ of
the tangent space. So, why do we claim that $C \tilde{Q}$
corresponds to the cotangent bundle of $C Q$? Fix a dimension vector
$\alpha = (m,n)$ then the representation space
$\mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~Q = M_{n \times m}(C) \oplus M_n(C)$ is just
an affine space so in its point the tangent space is the representation
space itself. To define its linear dual use the non-degeneracy of the
_trace pairings_ $M_{n \times m}(C) \times M_{m \times n}(C)
\rightarrow C~:~(A,B) \mapsto tr(AB)$ $M_n(C) \times M_n(C)
\rightarrow C~:~(C,D) \mapsto tr(CD)$ and therefore the linear dual
$\mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~Q^* = M_{m \times n}(C) \oplus M_n(C)$ which is
the representation space $\mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~Q^s$ of the quiver
$Q^s~:~\xymatrix{\vtx{} & & \vtx{} \ar[ll] \ar@(ur,dr)} $
and therefore we have that the cotangent bundle to the representation
space $\mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~Q$ $T^* \mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~Q =
\mathbf{rep}_{\alpha}~\tilde{Q}$ Important for us will be that any
cotangent bundle has a natural _symplectic structure_. For a good
introduction to this see the [course notes][2] “Symplectic geometry and
quivers” by [Geert Van de Weyer][3]. As a consequence $C \tilde{Q}$
can be viewed as a non-commutative symplectic manifold with the
symplectic structure determined by the non-commutative 2-form
$\omega = da^* da + dx^* dx$ but before we can define all this we
will have to recall some facts on non-commutative differential forms.
Maybe [next time][4]. For the impatient : have a look at the paper by
Victor Ginzburg [Non-commutative Symplectic Geometry, Quiver varieties,
and Operads][5] or my paper with Raf Bocklandt [Necklace Lie algebras
and noncommutative symplectic geometry][6]. Now that we have a
cotangent bundle of $C Q$ is there also a _tangent bundle_ and does it
again correspond to a new quiver? Well yes, here it is
$\xymatrix{\vtx{} \ar@/^/[rr]^{a+da} \ar@/_/[rr]_{a-da} & & \vtx{}
\ar@(u,ur)^{x+dx} \ar@(d,dr)_{x-dx}} $ and the labeling of the
arrows may help you to work through some sections of the Cuntz-Quillen

[1]: https://lievenlb.local/index.php?p=39
[4]: https://lievenlb.local/index.php?p=41

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