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Tag: moonshine

The miracle of 163

On page 227 of Symmetry and the Monster, Mark Ronan tells the story of Conway and Norton computing the number of independent _mini j-functions_ (McKay-Thompson series) arising from the Moonshine module. There are 194 distinct characters of the monster (btw. see the background picture for the first page of the character table as given in the Atlas), but some of them give the same series reducing the number of series to 171. But, these are not all linearly independent. Mark Ronan writes :

“Conway recalls that, ‘As we went down into the 160s, I said let’s guess what number we will reach.’ They guessed it would be 163 – which has a very special property in number theory – and it was!
There is no explanation for this. We don’t know whether it is merely a coincidence, or something more. The special property of 163 in number theory has intruiging consequences, among which is the fact that
$e^{\pi \sqrt{163}} = 262537412640768743.99999999999925… $
is very close to being a whole number.”

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bloomsday end

From time to time you may see here a message that NeverEndingBooks ends on Bloomsday (June 16th). Soon after, I hope to restart with another blog at the same URL. For starters, Neverendingbooks refers to my never-ending bookproject on noncommutative geometry started in 1999, a millenium ago… Today I\’m correcting the proofs and have even seen the cover-design of the book, supposed to be published in the fall. So, it should be really EndingBook(s), finally. From time to time it is good to start afresh. The next project is still pretty vague to me but it will be a lot more focussed and center around topics like Moonshine, the Monster, the Mathieu groups, Modular forms and group etc. Suggestions for a blogtitle are welcome (M-theory is already taken…). Besides there are technical problems with the machine running the blog, a new one is expected around June 16th. As I will not be able to clone between the two (one PPC, the new one Intel) I decided to start again from scratch. Anyway, Ive made a database-dump of NeverEndingBooks and will make it available to anyone interested in reading old posts (even the ones with a private-status). Finally, there are other reasons, better kept private. Give me a couple of weeks to resurface. For now, all the best.

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