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Tag: Marcolli

noncommutative geometry : a medieval science?

According to a science article in the New York Times, archeologists have discovered “signs of advanced math” in medieval mosaics. An example of a quasi-crystalline Penrose pattern was found at the Darb-i Imam shrine in Isfahan, Iran.

“A new study shows that the Islamic pattern-making process, far more intricate than the laying of oneโ€šร„รดs bathroom floor, appears to have involved an advanced math of quasi crystals, which was not understood by modern scientists until three decades ago. Two years ago, Peter J. Lu, a doctoral student in physics at Harvard University, was transfixed by the geometric pattern on a wall in Uzbekistan. It reminded him of what mathematicians call quasi-crystalline designs. These were demonstrated in the early 1970s by Roger Penrose, a mathematician and cosmologist at the University of Oxford. Mr. Lu set about examining pictures of other tile mosaics from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, working with Paul J. Steinhardt, a Princeton cosmologist who is an authority on quasi crystals and had been Mr. Lu’s undergraduate adviser. ”

Penrose tilings are one of the motivating examples of Alain Connes’ book as there is a $C^* $-algebra associated to it. In fact, the algebra is AF ( a limit of semi-simple finite dimensional algebras) so is even a formally smooth algebra in Kontsevichian noncommutative geometry (it is remarkable how quickly one gets used to silly terminology…). However, the Penrose algebra is simple, so rather useless from the point of view of finite dimensional representations… Still, Connesian noncommutative geometry may be a recent incarnation of the medieval Tehran program (pun intended). Thanks to easwaran for the link (via Technorati).

Added, March 1 : I haven’t looked at the Connes-Marcolli paper A walk in the noncommutative garden for a while but now that I do, I see that they mentioned the above already at the end of their section on Tilings (page 32). They also include clearer pictures.

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non-(commutative) geometry

that my non-geometry
is linked via the comments in this
string-coffee-table post
which in turn is available through a
trackback from the Kontsevich-Soibelman
it is perhaps useful to add a few links.

The little
I’ve learned from reading about Connes-style non-commutative geometry is
this : if you have a situation where a discrete group is acting with a
bad orbit-space (for example, $GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ acting on the whole
complex-plane, rather than just the upper half plane) you can associate
to this a $C^*$-algebra and study invariants of it and interprete them
as topological information about this bad orbit space. An intruiging
example is the one I mentioned and where the additional noncommutative
points (coming from the orbits on the real axis) seem to contain a lot
of modular information as clarified by work of Manin&Marcolli and
Zagier. Probably the best introduction into Connes-style
non-commutative geometry
from this perspective are the Lecture on
Arithmetic Noncommutative Geometry
by Matilde Marcolli. To
algebraists : this trick is very similar to looking at the
skew-group algebra $\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n] * G$ if
you want to study the _orbifold_ for a finite group action on affine
space. But as algebraist we have to stick to affine varieties and
polynomials so we can only deal with the case of a finite group,
analysts can be sloppier in their functions, so they can also do
something when the group is infinite.

By the way, the
skew-group algebra idea is also why non-commutative algebraic
enters string-theory via the link with orbifolds. The
easiest (and best understood) example is that of Kleinian singularities.
The best introduction to this idea is via the Representations
of quivers, preprojective algebras and deformations of quotient
notes by Bill Crawley-Boevey.

Artin-style non-commutative geometry aka
non-commutative projective geometry originated from the
work of Artin-Tate-Van den Bergh (in the west) and Odeskii-Feigin (in
the east) to understand Sklyanin algebras associated to elliptic curves
and automorphisms via ‘geometric’ objects such as point- (and
fat-point-) modules, line-modules and the like. An excellent survey
paper on low dimensional non-commutative projective geometry is Non-commutative curves and surfaces by Toby
Stafford and
Michel Van den Bergh
. The best introduction is the (also
neverending…) book-project Non-
commutative algebraic geometry
by Paul Smith who
maintains a
noncommutative geometry and algebra resource page
page (which is
also available from the header).

started with the seminal paper ‘Algebra extensions and
nonsingularity’, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 8 (1995), 251-289 by Joachim
and Daniel Quillen but which is not available online. An
online introduction is Noncommutative smooth
by Kontsevich and Rosenberg. Surely, different people have
different motivations to study non-geometry. I assume Cuntz got
interested because inductive limits of separable algebras are quasi-free
(aka formally smooth aka qurves). Kontsevich and Soibelman want to study
morphisms and deformations of $A_{\infty}$-categories as they explain in
their recent
. My own motivation to be interested in non-geometry is the
hope that in the next decades one will discover new exciting connections
between finite groups, algebraic curves and arithmetic groups (monstrous
being the first, and still not entirely understood,
instance of this). Part of the problem is that these three topics seem
to be quite different, yet by taking group-algebras of finite or
arithmetic groups and coordinate rings of affine smooth curves they all
turn out to be quasi-free algebras, so perhaps non-geometry is the
unifying theory behind these seemingly unrelated topics.

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music of the primes

Let me
admit it : i was probably wrong in this post to
advise against downloading A walk in the noncommutative
by Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli. After all, it seems
that Alain&Matilde are on the verge of proving the biggest open
problem in mathematics, the Riemann
using noncommutative geometry. At least, this is the
impression one gets from reading through The music of the
primes, why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters
by Oxford
mathematician Prof.
Marcus du Sautoy
… At the moment I’ve only read the first
chapter (_Who wants to be a millionaire?_) and the final two
chapters (_From orderly zeros to quantum chaos_ and _The
missing piece of the jigsaw_) as I assume I’ll be familiar with most
of the material in between (and also, I’m saving these chapters for some
vacation reading). From what I’ve read, I agree most with the final
review at

and infuriating
, October 5, 2004
Reviewer: pja_jennings
from Southampton, Hants. United Kingdom
This is a book I found
fascinating and infuriating in turns. It is an excellent layman’s
history of number theory with particular reference to prime numbers and
the Riemann zeta function. As such it is well worth the reading.
However I found that there are certain elements, more of style than
anything else, that annoyed me. Most of the results are handed to us
without any proof whatsoever. All right, some of these proofs would be
obviously well beyond the layman, but one is described as being
understandable by the ancient Greeks (who started the whole thing) so
why not include it as a footnote or appendix?
Having established
fairly early on that the points where a mathematical function
“reaches sea level” are known as zeros, why keep reverting
to the sea level analogy? And although the underlying theme throughout
the book is the apparent inextricable link between the zeta function’s
zeros and counting primes, the Riemann hypothesis, I could find no
clear, concise statement of exactly what Riemann said.
over 2000 years, from the ancient Greeks to the 21st century, this is a
book I would thoroughly recommend.

Books on Fermat’s last
(and there are some nice ones, such as Alf Van der Poorten’s
Notes on
Fermat’s last theorem
) can take Wiles’ solution as their focal
point. Failing a solution, du Sautoy constructs his book around an
April’s Fool email-message by Bombieri in which he claimed that a young
physicist did prove the Riemann hypothesis after hearing a talk by Alain
Connes. Here’s du Sautoy’s account (on page 3)

to his email, Bombieri has been beaten to his prize. ‘There are
fantastic developments to Alain Connes’s lecture at IAS last wednesday.’
Bombieri began. Several years previously, the mathematical world had
been set alight by the news that Alain Connes had turned his attention
to trying to crack the Riemann Hypothesis. Connes is one of the
revolutionaries of the subject, a benign Robespierre of mathematics to
Bombieri’s Louis XVI. He is an extraordinary charismatic figure whose
fiery style is far from the image of the staid, awkward mathematician.
He has the drive of a fanatic convinced of his world-view, and his
lectures are mesmerising. Amongst his followers he has almost cult
status. They will happily join him on the mathematical barricades to
defend their hero against any counter-offensive mounted from the ancien
regime’s entrenched positions.

Contrary to physics,
mathematics doesn’t produce many books aimed at a larger public. To a
large extend this is caused by most mathematicians’ unwillingness to
sacrifice precision and technical detail. Hence, most of us would never
be able to come up with something like du Sautoy’s description of Weil’s
work on the zeta function of curves over finite fields (page 295)

It was while exploring some of these related landscapes that
Weil discovered a method that would explain why points at sea level in
them like to be in a straight line. The landscapes where Weil was
successful did not have to do with prime numbers, but held the key to
counting how many solutions an equation such as $y^2=x^3-x$ will have if
you are working on one of Gauss’s clock calculators.

it is far too easy to criticize people who do want to make the effort.
Books such as this one will bring more young people to mathematics than
any high-publicity-technical-paper. To me, the chapter on quantum chaos
was an eye-opener as I hadn’t heard too much about all of this before.
Besides, du Sautoy accompanies this book with an interesting website musicofprimes and several of
his articles for newspapers available from his homepage are
a good read (in case you wonder why the book-cover is full of joggers
with a prime number on their T-shirt, you might have a look at Beckham in his
prime number
). The music of the
will definitely bring many students to noncommutative
geometry and its possible use to proving the Riemann Hypothesis.

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