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Tag: google

the secret revealedโ€ฆ

Often, one can appreciate the answer to a problem only after having spend some time trying to solve it, and having failed … pathetically.

When someone with a track-record of coming up with surprising mathematical tidbits like John McKay sends me a mystery message claiming to contain “The secret of Monstrous Moonshine and the universe”, I’m happy to spend the remains of the day trying to make sense of the apparent nonsense

Let j(q) = 1/q + 744 + sum( c[k]*q^k,k>=1) be the Fourier expansion
at oo of the elliptic modular function.

Compute sum(c[k]^2,k=1..24) modulo 70

I expected the j-coefficients modulo 70 (or their squares, or their partial sums of squares) to reveal some hidden pattern, like containing the coefficients of Leech vectors or E(8)-roots, or whatever… and spend a day trying things out. But, all I got was noise… I left it there for a week or so, rechecked everything and… gave up

Subject:   Re: mystery message
Date:  Fri 21 Mar 2008 12:37:47 GMT+01:00
To:    mckayj@Math.Princeton.EDU

i forced myself to recheck the calculations i did once after receiving your mail.
here are the partial sums of squares of j-coefficients modulo 70 for the first
100 of them

[0, 46, 26, 16, 32, 62, 38, 3, 53, 13, 63, 39, 29, 59, 45, 10, 60, 40, 30,
 10, 40, 26, 6, 56, 42, 22, 68, 48, 48, 64, 64, 45, 25, 15, 31, 31, 67,
 47, 7, 21, 51, 31, 31, 61, 21, 1, 17, 12, 2, 16, 46, 60, 20, 10, 54, 49,
 63, 63, 53, 29, 29, 23, 13, 13, 27, 27, 17, 7, 67, 43, 43, 52, 42, 42,
 16, 6, 42, 42, 42, 36, 66, 32, 62, 52, 66, 66, 0, 25, 5, 5, 35, 21, 11,
 11, 57, 57, 61, 41, 41]

term 24 is 42...
i still fail to see the significance of it all.
atb :: lieven.

A couple of hours later I received his reply and simply couldn’t stop laughing…

Subject:   Re: mystery message
Date:  Sat 22 Mar 2008 02:33:19 GMT+01:00

I apologize for wasting your time. It is a joke
depending, it seems, on one's cultural background.

See the google entry:

Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

Best, John McKay

Still confused? Well, do it!

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There seems to be a slight chance that the next US-administration may (finally) be joining the rest of the civilized world and sign the Kyoto-treaty. Here’s an appeal to Flock and other webbrowsers : please add to our Search Engine Preferences!

The idea is simple : you Google as you’d do anyway but … you save a lot of energy. Via PD2 (for Pseudonymous Daughter 2).

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block google analytics cookies

When more than 200.000 websites are using google analytics, a one-man action proposed last time to de-activate GA on neverendingbooks is pretty useless. Perhaps a better alternative is :

When you use google analytics on your site, announce this and add a link to CustomizeGoogle BLOCK GOOGLE ANALYTICS COOKIES. Your visitors can then decide whether or not to block google analytics cookies only.

Or link to this post, as I’ll give a detailed step-by-step instruction so that even web-newbies can protect themselves agains google analytics stalking cookies.

1. Surf using a Firefox-clone Because CustomizeGoogle “is a Firefox extension that enhances Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo,, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam)” it only works on Firefox-like browsers. Screenshots below use Flock, the mac “social web browser”.

2. Go to CustomizeGoogle BLOCK GOOGLE ANALYTICS COOKIES and click on the Install Now! link (upper right)

3. A warning message will appear saying “Flock prevented this site from asking you to install software on your computer”. As we do want to install, click on the Edit Options button (on the left).

4. A pop-up window appears and click on the allow-button.

5. Click again on the Install Now! link from CustomizeGoogle. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm installation of the extension. Click on the install-buttom (right below).

6. Installation complete! But you have to restart before you can use it. Click on the restart button and Flock will do it.

7. Select under Flock/Tools CustomizeGoogle Options.

8. A pane pops up with plenty of configurable options.

9. Select “Privacy” and mark the ‘Don’t send any cookies to GoogleAnalytics’ option.

10. Done! You can now surf to any of the 200.000+ google-analytics-powered sites without being stalked!

Using this feature makes you more anonymous. But your visit on a single webpage can still be logged. This way, both Google and the owner of the website knows that someone visited a webpage, but it’s difficult to track all pages you’re visiting. And it’s really really hard for Google to track that you visited both Website A and Website B.

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