NeverEndingBooks-games Published June 13, 2007 by lieven Here a list of pdf-files of NeverEndingBooks-posts on games, in reverse chronological order. Dvonn 2 overload LatexRender and Dvonn-boards Dvonn 1 mobility A DaVinci chess problem Bivalue Sudoku graphs microsudoku.sty A 2006 chess puzzle anyone? Hints for micro-Sudoku Micro-Sudoku Sudoku mania (bis) Sudoku mania SnortGo 2 Quintominal dodecahedra Elkies’ puzzles Fox and geese SnortGo ColGo Antwerp sprouts Combinatorial game software Published in featured Tagged in dvonn Elkies games LaTeX latexrender puzzle sudoku Previous Post NeverEndingBooks-general Next Post The miracle of 163