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Mimicking Jacques Distler’s Planet Musings
I’ve set up a Neverending Planet
available from a header-link (and direct links from the
‘neverending planet’-section (the bit following the computers
photo)). I assume that Distler is a Mac guy too, so when he
that ‘Installation (of Planet) was a breeze’ I thought I
could pull it off easily, even in an off-tech phase… Not so.
Distler must be a heavier Python-user than I am (and that’s not
difficult, unless you mean the Monty version of it) because the default
system-delivered Python (2.3) did return error messages (something to do
with a bsddb thing, I didn’t take note). But then I installed MacPython which has
Python+stuff 2.4.3 as a _universal binary_ (!) and all went well.
I didn’t even tweak any of the files, so at the moment what you see is
the default output of ‘fancy’ Planet (maybe I’ll modify it when a
new tech-phase comes along). So far, I’ve subscribed to 38
math&physics blogs (a selection from my own blogroll and planet
musings) which I believe have occasionally something interesting for
mathematicians. But, if you know of an interesting blog I’ve missed drop me a line and I’ll add it
(it just take me two lines in the config.ini file). As for the
world-cup, I seem to have missed the best match so far (Germany-Costa
Rica) because I thought it would be at 9pm rather than 6pm when I’m
still cooking, eating and enjoying a hot evening… On the other
hand, I did enjoy the final 15minutes-thriller of Sweden –
Trinidad&Tobago (0-0). I never hoped so much for a draw and never
had such a good laugh after a 0-0 match. But then, as Leo Beenhakker
(the coach of T&T said) : “This isn’t mathematics, it’s

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