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itโ€™s about time to restart blogging when โ€ฆ

you get emails like this one :

From: Alyssa jasmine
Subject: Interested in writing article for your blog
Date: 28 Sep 2010 13:41:40 GMT+02:00
To: lieven lebruyn


This is Alyssa

I went through your site while surfing in google, am very much impressed with your site unique informations, and We are pleased to inform you that we do write articles for such unique sites without cost.

Article are sure for its unusual quality to invite traffic to your website. We provide relevant articles based on the topics suggested for your site

We do provide a unique article for your service. No duplication or copying of the article is done. we write contents exclusively for your site on demand. We also give Copy rights for articles to your site on security base.

In return we expect a small link connecting to our website from your webpage(2 links per post/article).

Awaiting for your positive reply to serve your site..


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