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This is the first version of a set of general frequently asked
questions relating to _NeverEndingBooks_. An extended and updated
version of it is at all times available from the sidebar under the
heading 'FAQ'. If you have a question and/or suggestion for
these FAQs, please email and it will be answered/used in an updated

What is NeverEndingBooks ? is a
non-profit PublishingHouse specializing in courses and books on
non-commutative algebra and/or non-commutative geometry. Our authors
have a set of notes on a subject in na&g and hope to turn it into a
book one fine day. We offer them help throughout this process, from
secure on-screen viewing & commenting of their successive versions
to the production of a genuine hardcopy version distributed worldwide.
At all times we aim to keep the costs of our books minimal and the
royalties & copyrights for our authors maximal.
NeverEndingBooks' coordinates are :

c/o Lieven Le Bruyn
Department Mathematics UA
Middelheimlaan 1
B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium

URL : lievenlb.local
ISBN-prefix : 90-809390

Why NeverEndingBooks

We all complain about exaggerated prices of
mathematical books from certain publishers, poor quality of editing and
refereeing offered as well as far too stringent book-contracts. Rather
than lamenting about this, NeverEndingBooks gives itself one year to
learn (and report) about the many aspects of the book-production cyclus
and to explore whether an alternative exists. If at the end of this year
we will have produced at least one book this experiment will be
considered a success. If, however, we find out that it is an impossible
task, we will explain where it all went wrong and why it is better to
stick to an established PublishingHouse and accept its terms.

Published in web


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