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Don’t realize how lucky I am

After a difficult time for us all, PD1 tells me she finally ‘found her drive’ again : she hopes to finish her 2nd(!) master in fine arts this year as well as her teaching-diplome. Besides, she teaches evening arts-classes twice a week, organizes exhibitions, enters competitions, wins prizes … Looking at the time-stamps on her emails, there are simply not enough hours in a day to fulfill her many ambitions.

Yesterday she made a blitz-appearance, on her way to a variety of exciting other encounters.

PD1 : And, what about you? A lot of teaching this year?

me : Yes (sigh), the first semester is really hard. I’ve an obligatory 60 hours course in each of the three bachelor years, and two courses in the masters. Fortunately, the master-students all wanted a different topic, so they only pop in to ask questions when they get stuck with their reading courses. But still, officially I’ll be teaching 300 hours before christmas.

PD1 : Yeah, yeah, officially… But, then there are exercises and so. How much time do you really have to teach in front of a blackboard?

me : Well, let’s see. Wednesday afternoon I have the 2nd year, thursday afternoon the first and friday morning the third year.

PD1 : Is that all?

me : huh? Yes…

PD1 : Wow! You only have to teach three half days a week and can spend all your other time doing mathematics! A pretty good deal isn’t it?

me : Yeah, I guess I don’t realize often enough just how lucky I am …

Published in stories