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design contest

If you are the creative type and like to improve the sight of
this site, here\’s a little challenge :

: Design a logo/header picture for NeverEndingBooks to
replace the one above. Here are the required Photoshop parameters :
Image size : 500 x 150 pixels, Grayscale (for later use on the frontpage
of books) saved as a Jpeg optimized for the web (try to keep it under
15K). But please keep also the uncompressed image for later use in
publishing. If possible, combine this with favicons (the little 16×16 pixel
picture near the URL) for NeverEndingBooks and one (possibly the same)
for TheLibrary.

the procedure : Submit
your logo (and possibly favicons) attached to a mail. If we receive more
than one reply, the different designs will be posted here anonymously
and a sidebar online poll will decide the winner.

: The winner gets his/her name(link) mentioned in the
sidebar as well as on all NeverEndingBooks-productions. Moreover, (s)he
will receive one free copy of every book (and possibly merchandising)
bearing his/her logo.

the deadline : asap! if
possible within the week, if necessary by the end of this month at the

Published in web


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