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combinatorial game software

As I am going to give a talk on Combinatorial Game Theory early
next month I have to update my rusty knowledge of canonical forms of
two-person game positions, their temperature theory and the like. As
most of the concepts in this field are recursive they are hard to work
out by humans but easy for computers. So it is nice to have a good
program to use. I remember that David Wolfe wrote a couple of years ago the Gamesman Toolkit but it seems he has taken it off
his website. Still, you can get it from the Software released by Michael Ernst page. So,
download the games.tar.gz-file and uncompress it on your Desktop.
Then do the following

cd Desktop/games sudo make sudo cp
games /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/games

to get it up and
running (for documentation of how to use it see the Gamesman
Toolkit-paper above. But, it seems that as of July 2003 there is a much
better alternative around : the Combinatorial Game Suite of Aaron Siegel. It is an open source Java-program so it
runs on many platforms (including Mac OSX). Here is the way to get it
going : first download it and you will get a
cgsuite-0.4-folder on your desktop. Then type

Desktop/cgsuite-0.4 java -jar cgsuite.jar

and after a few
questions (including whether you want to be on the mailing list of the
project) the program starts up. It is very well documented with an
on-line manual which I have to read over the coming

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