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Modular quilts and cuboid tree diagrams

Conjugacy classes of finite index subgroups of the modular group $\Gamma = PSL_2(\mathbb{Z}) $ are determined by a combinatorial gadget : a modular quilt. By this we mean a finite connected graph drawn on a Riemann surface such that its vertices are either black or white. Moreover, every edge in the graph connects a black to a white vertex and the valency (that is, the number of edges incodent to a vertex) of a black vertex is either 1 or 2, that of a white vertex is either 1 or 3. Finally, for every white vertex of valency 3, there is a prescribed cyclic order on the edges incident to it.

On the left a modular quilt consisting of 18 numbered edges (some vertices and edges re-appear) which gives a honeycomb tiling on a torus. All white vertices have valency 3 and the order of the edges is given by walking around a point in counterclockwise direction. For example, the order of the edges at the top left vertex (which re-appears at the middle right vertex) can be represented by the 3-cycle (6,11,14), that around the central vertex gives the 3-cycle (2,7,16).

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The Mathieu groupoid (1)

Conway’s puzzle M(13) is a variation on the 15-puzzle played with the 13 points in the projective plane $\mathbb{P}^2(\mathbb{F}_3) $. The desired position is given on the left where all the counters are placed at at the points having that label (the point corresponding to the hole in the drawing has label 0). A typical move consists in choosing a line in the plane going through the point where the hole is, choose one of the three remaining points on this line and interchange the counter on it for the hole while at the same time interchanging the counters on the other two points. In the drawing on the left, lines correspond to the little-strokes on the circle and edges describe which points lie on which lines. For example, if we want to move counter 5 to the hole we notice that both of them lie on the line represented by the stroke just to the right of the hole and this line contains also the two points with counters 1 and 11, so we have to replace these two counters too in making a move. Today we will describe the groupoid corresponding to this slide-puzzle so if you want to read on, it is best to play a bit with Sebastian Egner’s M(13) Java Applet to see the puzzle in action (and to use it to verify the claims made below). Clicking on a counter performs the move taking the counter to the hole.

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