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Category: books

NaNoWriMo (2)

Two more days to go in the NaNoWriMo 2016 challenge. Alas, it was clear from the outset that I would fail, bad.

I didn’t have a sound battle plan. Hell, I didn’t even have a a clue which book to write…

But then, I may treat myself to a SloWriMo over the Christmas break.

For I’ve used this month to sketch the vaguest possible outlines of an imaginary book.


[section_title text=”An imaginary interview”]

Question: What is the title of your book?

I don’t know for sure, but my working title is Primes and other imaginary shapes.

Question: What will the cover-illustration look like?

At the moment I would settle for something like this:

Question: Does your book have an epigraph?

That’s an easy one. Whenever this works out, I’ll use for the opening quote:

[quote name=”David Spivak in ‘Presheaf, the cobbler'”]God willing, I will get through SGA 4 and Lurieā€™s book on Higher Topos Theory.

Question: Any particular reason?

Sure. That’s my ambition for this book, but perhaps I’ll save Lurie’s stuff for the sequel.

Question: As you know, Emily Riehl has a textbook out: Category Theory in Context. Here’s a recent tweet of hers:

Whence the question: does your book have a protagonist?

Well, I hope someone gave Emily the obvious reply: Yoneda! As you know, category theory is a whole bunch of definitions, resulting in one hell of a lemma.

But to your question, yes there’ll be a main character and her name is Alice.

I know, i know, an outrageous clichĆ©, but at least I can guarantee there’ll be no surprise appearances of Bob.

These days, Alices don’t fall in rabbit holes, or crawl through looking-glasses. They just go online and encounter weird and wondrous creatures. I need her to be old enough to set up a Facebook and other social accounts.

My mental image of Alice is that of the archetypical STEM-girl

In her younger years she was a lot like Lewis Carroll’s Alice. In ten years time she’ll be a copy-cat Alice Butler, the heroine of Scarlett Thomasā€™ novel PopCo.

Question: What will be the opening scene of your book?

Alice will post a question on Lego-stackexchenge, and yes, to my surprise such a site really exists

(to be continued, perhaps)

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NaNoWriMo (1)

Some weeks ago I did register to be a participant of NaNoWriMo 2016. It’s a belated new-year’s resolution.

When PS (pseudonymous sister), always eager to fill a 10 second silence at family dinners, asked

(PS) And Lieven, what are your resolutions for 2016?

she didn’t really expect an answer (for decades my generic reply has been: “I’m not into that kinda nonsense”)

(Me) I want to write a bit …

stunned silence

(PS) … Oh … good … you mean for work, more papers perhaps?

(Me) Not really, I hope to write a book for a larger audience.

(PS) Really? … Ok … fine … (appropriate silence) … Now, POB (pseudonymous other brother), what are your plans for 2016?


If you donā€™t know what NaNoWriMo is all about: the idea is to write a ā€œbookā€ (more like a ‘shitty first draft’ of half a book) consisting of 50.000 words in November.

Weā€™re 5 days into the challenge, and I havenā€™t written a single wordā€¦

Part of the problem is that Iā€™m in the French mountains, and believe me, there always more urgent or fun things to do here than to find a place of my own and start writing.

A more fundamental problem is that I cannot choose between possible book-projects.

Hereā€™s one I will definitely not pursue:

“The Grothendieck heist”

ā€œA group of hackers uses a weapon of Math destruction to convince Parisian police that a terrorist attack is imminent in the 6th arrondissement. By a cunning strategy they are then able to enter the police station and get to the white building behind it to obtain some of Grothendieckā€™s writings.

A few weeks later three lengthy articles hit the arXiv, claiming to contain a proof of the Riemann hypothesis, by partially dismantling topos theory.

Bi-annual conferences are organised around the globe aimed at understanding this weird new theory, etc. etc. (you get the general idea).

The papers are believed to have resulted from the Grothendieck heist. But then, similar raids are carried out in Princeton and in Cambridge UK and a sinister plan emergesā€¦ ā€œ

Funny as it may be to (ab)use a story to comment on the current state of affairs in mathematics, Iā€™m not known to be the worldā€™s most entertaining story teller, so Iā€™d better leave the subject of math-thrillers to others.

Hereā€™s another book-idea:

“The Bourbaki travel guide”

The idea is to hunt down places in Paris and in the rest of France which were important to Bourbaki, from his birth in 1934 until his death in 1968.

This includes institutions (IHP, ENS, ā€¦), residences, cafes they frequented, venues of Bourbaki meetings, references in La Tribu notices, etc.

This should lead to some nice Parisian walks (in and around the fifth arrondissement) and a couple of car-journeys through la France profonde.

Of course, also some of the posts I wrote on possible solutions of the riddles contained in Bourbakiā€™s wedding announcement and the avis de deces will be included.

Here the advantage is that I have already a good part of the raw material. Of course it still has to be followed up by in-situ research, unless I want to turn it into a ā€˜virtual math traveler ā€™s guideā€™ so that anyone can check out the places on G-maps rather than having to go to France.

Iā€™m still undecided about this project. Is there a potential readership for this? Is it worth the effort? Canā€™t it wait until I retire and will spend even more time in France?

Hereā€™s yet another idea:

“Mr. Yoneda takes the Tokyo-subway”

This is just a working title, others are ā€œthe shape of prime numbersā€, or ā€œschemes for hipstersā€, or ā€œtoposes for fashionistasā€, or ā€¦

This should be a work-out of the sga4hipsters meme. Is it really possible to explain schemes, stacks, Grothendieck topologies and toposes to a ā€˜generalā€™ public?

At the moment Iā€™m re-reading Eugenia Chengā€™s ā€œCakes, custard and category theoryā€. As much as I admire her fluent writing style it is difficult for me to believe that someone who didnā€™t knew the basics of it before would get an adequate understanding of category theory after reading it.

It is often frustrating how few of mathematics there is in most popular maths books. Canā€™t one do better? Or is it just inherent in the format? Can one write a Cheng-style book replacing the recipes by more mathematics?

The main problem here is to find good ā€˜real-lifeā€™ analogies for standard mathematical concepts such as topological spaces, categories, sheaves etc.

The tentative working title is based on a trial text I wrote trying to explain Yonedaā€™s lemma by taking a subway-network as an example of a category. Iā€™m thinking along similar lines to explain topological spaces via urban-wide wifi-networks, and so on.

But al this is just the beginning. Iā€™ll consider this a success only if I can get as far as explaining the analogy between prime numbers and knots via etale fundamental groupsā€¦

If doable, I have no doubt it will be time well invested. My main problem here is finding an appropriate ā€˜voiceā€™.

At first I wanted to go along with the hipster-gimmick and even learned some the appropriate lingo (you know, deck, fin, liquid etc.) but I donā€™t think it will work for me, and besides it would restrict the potential readers.

Then, I thought of writing it as a series of childrenā€™s stories. It might be fun to try to explain SGA4 to a (as yet virtual) grandchild. A bit like David Spivakā€™s short but funny text ā€œPresheaf the cobblerā€.

Once again, all suggestions or advice are welcome, either as a comment here or privately over email.

Perhaps, Iā€™ll keep you informed while stumbling along NaNoWriMo.

At least I wrote 1000 words todayā€¦

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Oulipo’s use of the Tohoku paper

Many identify the ‘Tohoku Mathematical Journal’ with just one paper published in it, affectionately called the Tohoku paper: “Sur quelques points dā€™algĆØbre homologique” by Alexander Grothendieck.

In this paper, Grothendieck reshaped homological algebra for Abelian categories, extending the setting of Cartan-Eilenberg (their book and the paper both appeared in 1957). While working on the Tohoku paper in Kansas, Grothendieck did not have access to the manuscript of the 1956 book of Cartan-Eilenberg, about which he heard from his correspondence with Serre.

Concerning the title, an interesting suggestion was made by Mathieu BĆ©langer in his thesis “Grothendieck et les topos: rupture et continuitĆ© dans les modes d’analyse du concept d’espace topologique”, (footnote 18 on page 164):

“There is a striking resemblance between the title of the Grothendieck’s article “Sur quelques points dā€™algĆØbre homologique”, and that of FrĆ©chet‘s thesis “Sur quelques points dā€™analyse fonctionelle”. Why? Grothendieck remains silent about it. Perhaps he saw a methodological similarity between the introduction, by FrĆ©chet, of abstract spaces in order to develop the foundations of functional calculus and that of the Abelian categories he needed to clarify the homological theory. Compared with categories of sets, groups, topological spaces, etc. that were used until then, Abelian categories are in effect abstract categories.”

But, what does this have to do with the literary group OuLiPo (ouvroir de littĆ©rature potentielle, ‘workshop of potential literature’)?

Oulipo was founded in 1960 by Raymond Queneau and FranƧois Le Lionnais. Other notable members have included novelists Georges Perec and Italo Calvino, poets Oskar Pastior, Jean Lescure and poet/mathematician Jacques Roubaud.

Several members of Oulipo were either active mathematicians or at least had an interest in mathematics. Sometimes, Oulipo is said to be the literary answer to Bourbaki. The group explored new ways to create literature, often with methods coming from mathematics or programming.

One such method is described in “ChimĆØres” by Le Lionnais:

One takes a source text A. One ’empties’ it, that is, one deletes all nouns, adjectives and verbs, but marks where they were in the text. In this way we have ‘prepared’ the text.

Next we take three target texts and make lists of words from them, K the list of nouns of the first, L the list of adjectives of the second and M the list of verbs of the third. Finally, we fill the empty spaces in the source text by words from the target lists, in the order that they appeared in the target texts.

In the example Le Lionnais gives, the liste M is the list of all verbs appearing in the Tohoku paper.

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